Degree Basics


Degree in Primary Education

Academic year


ECTS credits


ECTS credit price


Faculty or School

Faculty of Education, Psychology and Social Work

Starting year


Course load


Learning model


Language of instruction

Catalan (75%), Spanish (20%) and English (5%)

Available places

DUAL morning: 55 / BILINGUAL: 30 / DUAL evening: 40


DUAL MORNING: Marc Clarà ( / BILINGUAL: Daniel Gutiérrez ( / DUAL EVENING: Laia Cutillas ( -

The degree in figures
The degree in figures
The degree in figures
Acknowledgements, suggestions and complaints
Acknowledgements, suggestions and complaints
Acknowledgements, suggestions and complaints
UdL Accompaniment - Nestor program
UdL Accompaniment - Nestor program
UdL Accompaniment - Nestor program
Internal Guarantee System of Quality
Internal Guarantee System of Quality
Internal Guarantee System of Quality
Learning resources
Learning resources
Learning resources

Presentation of the Degree

Studies in Primary Education offer the general teaching skills to aid development, safeguard learning and promote the achievement of the objectives set by the education system for primary education.

With a total of 240 ECTS credits, the structure of the subjects is structured around the areas of the official curriculum, along with training subjects in the psychopedagogical field, practices in school contexts and a percentage of optional contents.

In addition, you can study the degree in Primary Education in the FEPTS in one of the two modalities offered: dual modality or bilingual modality.

Dual and Bilingual Modalities

The Dual Modality offers the student an integral training activity in schools from the first year. They are taught in morning group (55 places) and afternoon group (40 places). To choose a shift, the student must make the registration on the day and time assigned according to the nora of access. Once the places of any of the groups have been completed, the student will have to enroll in the group with free places.
Educació Primària Dual Horitzontal Colortransparent
[+ info]
The Bilingual Modality offers the student the possibility of intensifying his knowledge of the English language from taking specific subjects of the degree in English. 30 places are offered in the morning shift.
Educació Primària Bilingue Horitzontal Color transparent
[+ info]


Mentions only an itinerary or curricular intensification that is offered in the last year of the grade of primary education and obtained with the passing of 5 subjects of 6 credits and a school internship of 24 credits. The offer of Mentions in the primary education grade of the FEPTS is detailed below:

  • Mention in Music Education: aimed at students with interest to learn and teach music in school. This mention enables the student the professional profile of music teacher.
  • Mention in Physical Education: aimed at students interested in the teaching of sport and physical activity. This mention enables the student the professional profile of teacher in Physical Education.
  • Mention in Special educational needs and education for diversity: aimed at students interested in attending to the diversity found in the classrooms and, in this way, offer an inclusive education for all students. This mention enables the student the professional profile of teacher in therapeutic pedagogy or teacher in special education.
  • Mention in English: addressed to students interested in teaching and didactics of English in schools as a foreign language. This mention enables the student the professional profile of English teacher.
  • Mention in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics): aimed at students interested in scientific and technological skills to promote them from primary education.

Each Mention offers 45 places, except the Mention in Physical Education that offers 50 places.

Dual Modality students can select any of the Mentions when they reach the fourth year. The selection of the Mention by the student is made in order of academic record. If the student does not want to take a Mention can also opt for a General option that consists of selecting and taking 5 subjects of the different mentions offered in the primary education grade of the FEPTS along with a school practices of character of 24 credits.

Students of the Bilingual Modality must take the Mention in English when they reach the fourth year.

Dual and Bilingual students can make a second mention by making a request to the Vice-rector responsible for undergraduate studies, who must resolve it with a previous report by the Head of Studies of the center. The second mention must be taken before the end of the degree in Primary Education.

More information in the degree curriculum.

Career opportunities

The profession for which graduates are trained once they have obtained the degree is that of Teacher/a in Primary Education (ECI/3857/2007).

The main task of graduates is the formal and basic training of children/s (6 to 12 years old). The main sectors of employment are:

  • Primary schools.
  • Adult education centres.
  • Classrooms in hospital centers.
  • Classrooms in penitentiaries.
  • Specialized publishing world.
  • Management of extracurricular activities for cultural and service companies.
  • Reception centres for children/young people supervised by the Administration.